Venue Q&A

Members often ask questions about the relationship between the Portarlington Neighbourhood House, Parks Hall, the City of Greater Geelong and Bellarine Bayside.

Here is a Fact Sheet.

Q: Does PNH own Parks Hall?

A: No, the City of Greater Geelong (CoGG) leases Parks Hall fom Bellarine Bayside. PNH is a tenant of the CoGG. 

Q: Who owns the park and grounds outside Parks Hall?

A: The Crown owns them. Bellarine Bayside is the caretaker of the grounds, on behalf of the Crown (the Victorian State Government).

Q: Can PNH use the rooms in Parks Hall whenever they want?

A: No, PNH must use the Council booking schedule, like any other tenant or person who books rooms at Parks Hall. PNH pays for each room separately. PNH does not book the whole centre at any one time. PNH has a lease agreement with CoGG for 60 hours per week at subsidised rates. Outside the 60 hours allocated, PNH must pay for use of rooms at the full advertised rate. 

Q: Can PNH use the grounds outside the Parks Hall for classes?

A: If PNH wants to hold a class outside, a permit is required from Bellarine Bayside.

Q: Can PNH hold classes in other venues?

A: Yes - some of our classes are 'off-campus' e.g. the Portarlington Golf Club, local cafes or in the Uniting Church facilities. However members usually prefer to be in the Parks Hall complex.

Q: Will PNH always be located in Parks Hall?

A: CoGG completed an Infrastructure Scoping Study in 2023. This report recommends refurbishment of Portarlington Community Centre (Parks Hall) to meet the needs of PNH. So far, CoGG has not progressed with these recommendations.