Portarlington Neighbourhood House (PNH) warmly welcomes people of all ages from Postcode 3223 and beyond. PNH is the largest adult-membership base club in Portarlington (other than the Portarlington Golf Club). PNH has more than 600 active members with a 10% volunteer rate. New volunteers in a wide variety of roles are welcome. PNH is governed by a volunteer Committee of Management. It is a not-for-profit club under the Associations Act regulated by CAV, ACNC, DFFH and NHVic. PNH is also a member of NH Barwon and the Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres (ANHLC). PNH vision is "active and vibrant participation in the community." The strategic focus is connecting with the community to meet community needs. PNH welcomes discussion with other community organisations and potentially forming partnerships to meet community needs and achieve PNH vision. This vision is supported by a Strategic Plan and the PNH Values. PNH Values are sense of community, respect, and integrity.
Venue FAQ For some frequently asked Questions and Answers about the venue please click HERE.