About Us

What we do

Portarlington Neighbourhood House (PNH) warmly welcomes people of all ages from Postcode 3223 and beyond.

Our mission is to "learn, share skills, bring community members together, community projects".

We offer a wide range of:

  1. activities to connect you to others with similar interests;
  2. tutored classes to help you learn; and
  3. events that reach out into the community.

We aim to provide activities and events to meet the needs of our 700+ members.

Our vision is "active and vibrant participation in the community".

We intend to achieve this through partnerships with other community groups and providing a program that meets community needs, for people of all ages.

We are always looking for new and paid volunteer facilitators to deliver our program - for short course and ongoing activities - to keep our program fresh and diverse.

Membership for 2024 is $20.00 oer annum. Activities are from $4.00 per session.

Who we are

Portarlington Neighbourhood House (PNH) is overseen by a Committee of Management. PNH receives funding from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) for the employment of a Program Manager to manage operations. The Program Manager is supported by a team of volunteers who generously share their passion, skills, expertise and experience to:

  • keep the program of activities and events inspiring, engaging and relevant
  • oversee the running and direction of PNH
  • and ensure the office runs effectively and smoothly.

PNH operates a unique skill-share model, based on volunteer contribution.

Our Program Manager is Rob Sztogryn. The volunteers Committee of Management is responsible for governance of operations, strategic performance and compliance.

Our vision  A place for all to learn, connect and contribute.

Our mission To facilitate meaningful social, educational and creative experiences through a diverse program of activities and events.

Our values

Integrity: We act with honesty, consistency and fairness.

Accountability | Transparency | Stewardship

Respect: We provide an inclusive, supportive and welcoming space for all.

Kindness | Empathy | Tolerance

Community: We foster a sense of belonging, unity and connectedness.

Diversity | Hospitality | Friendship






Not for Profit

PNH is a registered not-for-profit incorporated association supported by members' fees plus State (DHHS) and Local Government (CoGG) funding.  Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is our peak body, providing governance oversight, advocacy, big-picture support and liability insurance cover for all our members' activities.

Incorporated associations in Victoria must have a governing document that sets out the rules and procedures for how the group will operate. This document is called the association's 'rules' or its 'constitution'. When incorporated associations are set up, they can choose between adopting the 'model rules', which are a template set of rules, or writing their own rules that meet the legal requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. PNH has adopted its own Constitution.

PNH is also part of the Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Houses (BNNH).  The BNNH provides practical guidance and collective support to neighbourhood houses across the region.

Annual Report

The current Annual Report can be found here

Strategic Plan

For information about our Strategic Plan please click here


For some frequently asked Questions and Answers please click here