Other activities

Armchair Travel - 1st & 3rd Friday of the month, 2pm-4pm 

Enjoy refreshments while sitting in a comfortable chair and travelling to various parts of the world via DVD presentation or speaker. This is a social group to sit and relax with, visit another country - without leaving your spot! Contact the office if you would like to share your travels. 

Bird Watching and Nature Ramble - 3rd Thursday of the month, 9.30am-3.30pm

Each month a new destination, either local or further afield, is chose for those interested in either bird watching or a delightful nature ramble. For information regarding the next excursions, keep an eye on our newsletter and emails. Most participants travel in ride-share arrangement, and everyone is asked to make a small contribution to fuel costs. Sometimes a bus is organised. Please wear and bring appropriate clothing for weather conditions. Everyone supplies their own snacks, lunch, and drinks in a picnic setting. This activity is a great way to have a break from home and enjoy the pleasures of nature. 

Garden Club - 4th Monday of the month, 3pm-5pm

This group has 'green thumbs' and like to share their knowledge and enthusiasm. They meet on the fourth Monday of the month to share a cup of tea and gardening tips. Both experiences and novice gardeners are welcome to participate. Regular garden outings are arranged providing inspiration and information.

PNH Playgroup - Wednesdays during school term 10am-11.30am 

PNH facilitates this weekly community group playgroup for local parents/carers who are looking for social connection with their children aged 0-4 years. Experience play in an unstructured, relaxed, small group environment, with a variety of toys, books and resources. PNH playgroup is held in a large indoor space with access to toilets and baby change facilities at Parks Hall. PNH Playgroup is a member of Playgroup Victoria and is free to attend.  

Portarlington Film Society - last Friday of the month, 7pm

Love films? Then you'll love this group. Purchasing a Film Society membership of $50 covers your entry every month (10 screenings per year). Please note that Film Society membership is in addition to the Portarlington Neighbourhood House membership. Films are screened in the Portarlington Guide Hall. 

One on One Tech Help - ON HOLD for Term 1, 2025

Our Tech guru will help you through most technical questions and issues out there for devices such as smart phones, PCs and tablets. Bookings are essential. 

Repair Cafe - 2nd Saturday of the month, 10am-12pm

On the second Saturday of each month, from 11am-1pm, volunteers are available to assist in repairing your household items. Situated in the Portarlington Rotunda on Newcombe St, items which may repaired are small items of furniture, picture frames, clocks, lamps and toys etc. Please only bring that which you can carry. No house calls and a $5 donation is requested.